Any single, divorced or legally separated parent who is attending school and has a child between 6 weeks and up to 5 years old.
No monetary fees required for eligible participants. In return, parents enrolled in the program agree to:
Our philosophy is to encourage individual responsibility. We believe it’s the best way to build a nurturing family environment. Our approach helps both parents and children to build a life…together.
Whatever the age or stage of your child’s development, you can be sure that Mom’s House will encourage growth in every sense; mentally, physically, and socially.
Mom’s House employs teachers, infant supervisors and aides who possess a wealth of education and experience. Our child/staff ratios allow for individualized attention and a pleasant and loving atmosphere.
Staffing consists of an Executive Director, Program Director, Director of Family Services, Office Manager, Administrative Assistant, four lead teachers, three teacher assistant, a Food and Nutrition Coordinator and approximately thirty volunteers. The staff to child ratio is one-staff/four infants, one-staff/five toddlers, and one-staff/seven preschoolers, plus the several classroom volunteers.
The children begin arriving at Mom’s House starting at 7:30am. Their day consists of a nutritious breakfast, free play, an educational program, a hot lunch, nap time, and an afternoon snack and play. Weather permitting, the children have an outside activity each day.
The age-appropriate educational program offered ensures that all preschoolers leaving Mom’s House are ready to move successfully into a school setting. Mom’s House strives for excellence in childcare by combining childcare expertise with special attention to each single parent and child served.
The infant program is designed to provide stimulation and individual attention. The educational program for our toddlers and preschoolers includes elements of science, multiculturalism, literacy, art, music, health, and safety. We take field trips monthly to expand our learning out into our community.